Monday, November 28, 2022

How Digital Divide affects Indigent Community


Sphere, Seesaw, Imbalance, Horizontal, Contrasts, Comparison

Those were the days in the Philippines when people couldn't watch in their own homes and go to their neighbors to watch their tv, when other people had to pay for playing/using a computer per minute, when others had to borrow a radio to get some news and many more. By saying these facts, I realize that some areas need convenient access to modern technology. But unfortunately, we don't have equal opportunities for everyone. According to Merriam-Webster Digital Divide is the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not. (Wolske,2022) Up to this day, society is still experiencing these unfortunate events, even with the government's help. It affects the younger generation and the less fortunate. 

Youngmoo Kim delivered that equal economic opportunity through technology widened the divide impacting everyone who lacks socioeconomic privilege. (Kim, 2019) I agree that rising technology benefits a range of people, but it also affects unemployment rates, education for poverty, income on households, un-skilled, etc., which becomes a global problem. It will continuously impact the economy no matter what terms.


Is technology contributing to increased inequality? (2017). photograph. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from 

Tedx talks. (2019). Getting Woke to the Digital Divide | Youngmoo Kim | TEDxPhiladelphia. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from 

Wolske, M. (2020). 3A: The Digitization of DividesIn Person-centered guide to demystifying technology: Working together to observe/ question/ design/ prototype/ and implement/reject technology in support of people's valued beings and doings. essay, Windsor & Downs Press. 


  1. It definitely creates isolation between the people who do have access to all kinds of technology and those who do not. It is not necessary to have the newest models or the most expensive tech devices to be a part of it but definitely having some sort of access would create economic development.

  2. not having the right resources does diminish the opportunities to succeed. I can think about a few older people I have helped with resumes or looking for a specific job because they are not good at doing it themselves or don't have a computer or know how to use a smartphone. It creates a gap in success between those who have the means and those who don't.


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