Monday, October 10, 2022

I only have the Power to Change Whatever Situation I am in

 I admit sometimes I'm idle in my schoolwork and do it at the last minute. I'm not proud of that. There are a lot of challenges going in, and I'm not ready to take it all. But, ultimately, It's my loss, and I blame everything on myself. In that instances, I'm the only one who can change the situation. I'm the only one who can decide for the betterment of my future. 

I realized that commitment, endurance, and motivation could enhance my study habits. First, I must always obtain a goal where I should succeed in my class. Being committed means putting extra effort into the class and consistently accomplishing my schoolwork. Endurance was intended to work hard in the most challenging times. And lastly, motivation is where I see myself in 5 years when I continue this productivity for excellence. I hope my future self will be proud of me. 

Confidence is also one of the vital factors of success. If I am self-assured that my grades will be higher, I know I made an effort to aim for that score. What will be the outcome if I work hard? I am ambitious because I have desirement to achieve my goals. It's within myself if I want to succeed. Therefore, I will do my best and not give up on my dreams.


  1. Nice post Khaina! I like how you said you use your motivation to push yourself to become better, and to be able to look back at yourself and be proud. I think we all can use that extra motivation, because it's easy to get distracted/give up. Having that self confidence is huge, because that's where it all starts, believing in yourself! Nice work!

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  3. Hi Khiana! I absolutey agree with you on creating goals and pushing ourselves. I know it hard to of some habits such as procrastination and I am too guilty of that but I am constantly working on it. All you mentioned above are the success keys to have better outcomes in our educational journey.


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