Monday, November 7, 2022

Planning is an Effective Way of Balancing Career and Educational Success.

As a working student, balancing work and studies can sometimes be challenging. Planning is the perfect way to manage your schedule on time. But what are the ways that can help us practice and master effective planning? “Practice discipline indicates monitoring your time and documenting every responsibility. While Practice proactivity by preparing for class and planning a large project. Lastly, Practice balance is considered less important or urgent than others.” (Megan Stone, 2014) I highly recommend these ways to be productive and to complete responsibilities more healthily. Also, ownership is a big part of my work-study balance life. It allows me to develop my skills to adapt better study strategies and more efficient ways of doing my to-do tasks. 

In the video Finding Balance at Medical School by Alphie Yip, he explains a diagram on how to make your balance life work by Studying, socializing, and getting enough sleep. I've learned that you must be consistent with your mindset, habits, and efforts to achieve your goals. Work smart in a way that is efficient with your time and removes distractions so that you can focus on what you're learning. Overall, after having a tiring day of school and work. I always want to ensure I have time for my social life. No matter how busy I am. 


       (2018). HOW TO BALANCE STUDIES AND FUN IN COLLEGE. photograph. Retrieved November 7, 2022, from 

       Stone, M. (n.d.). What principles support effective planning? In Own Your Education: A Student's Guide to Greater Success in School (and Life). essay. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from education/9780133573466/ch10.html#ch10lev1sec3. 

       Finding Balance at Medical School | Getting Your Life Sorted 😵. (2020). Retrieved November 7, 2022, from 



  1. Hey Khaina,
    I completely agree. To create a regular routine you definitely need to practice it. Practice it to a point where it is second nature. I am still learning how to do that myself.

  2. Hi Khaina, I agree that no matter how busy one is there's got to be time to enjoy what is important to each of us. I also think that taking ownership and practicing effective planning is key when it comes to balancing life.


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