Saturday, October 29, 2022

How Critical Thinking Increase the Chance of Academic Success


"Critical thinking is a broad concept that consists of several skills. It allows you to move beyond memorizing facts to higher-level, or “deep,” thinking. It demands a high level of concentration because it requires logic, clarity, and independent thinking." (Megan Stone, 2014) It helps me develop my study habits and more logically understand the course objectives. Being a critical thinker allows you to evolve your academic skills and solve complex problems. As a student, I have to think relatively to figure out how to have outstanding grades and the outcome of my hard work. Open-mindedness will let me grow and find more opportunities as I strive through this quarter.

There are skills that I should consider when being a critical thinker. "The skills of asking questions, analyzing, and evaluating." (Megan Stone, 2014) These are the ways to advance your progress and recognize your problem-solving and ability to learn. We must also prepare ourselves for failure and disappointments that may come our way. It will become a lesson and allow your self-confidence to grow.


The Howler. (2021). After Graduation. photograph. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from 

Stone, M. (n.d.). What are the skills of critical thinking? In Own Your Education: A Student's Guide to Greater Success in School (and Life). essay. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from education/9780133573466/ch10.html#ch10lev1sec3. 

Stone, M. (n.d.). Table 10.1 The Skills of Critical Thinking. In Own Your Education: A Student's Guide to Greater Success in School (and Life). essay. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from 


  1. Critical thinking is something we have to practice and it requires many skills. It's not something we learn overnight. It's easy to jump to conclusion and over/under think situations - but being mindful or what you are doing and why you're doing it is important.

  2. Hi Khaina

    you are right, it helps us advance our problems and recognize our problem-solving skills.


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