Monday, October 24, 2022

Develop Accountability Skills as a Student

Being accountable as a student means a lot of patience and hard work. However, to fulfill responsibilities, there are some skills to help yourself. Critical thinking is analyzing and better understanding ideas before committing to a situation. You have to think through the outcome of your actions. You must develop ways to improve your study habits because you are committed to completing your courses. Being consistent in your schoolwork and performance will enhance your student ability. Stone, M. (2014). Figure 9.1 Accountability and the education pyramid. Own your education!: A student's guide to greater success in school (and life). essay, Pearson.

In relation to Martin Wolske, He has provided methods and practices to develop his work. In addition, his experiences through community, culture, and technology lead him to achieve his goals. Finally, he discovered research paradigms from all the exploration and knowledge. It gives ways how we can understand more the changes in technology. He is consistent and accountable throughout his work. Wolske, M. (2020). 2A: The Methodological Landscape. In Person-centered guide to demystifying technology: Working together to observe/ question/ design/ prototype/ and implement/reject technology in support of people's valued beings and doings. essay, Windsor & Downs Press. 



  1. Accountability as a student allows you to expand your knowledge and growth. Changing doesn't only happen in our normal lives. It happens all around us whether it's in terms of technology, weather, medicine, etc.

  2. The accountability pyramid and the research paradigms are very useful tools to utilize as a student and in the workplace too. Both are great resources to learn to become a more reliable student and employee. 

  3. I like your post Khaina! students have more opportunity to develop and success


Will Improving my Soft skills Help Me Get Into the IT field?

              Starting in IT Field was quite challenging as an Introvert person. There are soft skills that I have to improve and develop to...