Saturday, October 29, 2022

How Critical Thinking Increase the Chance of Academic Success


"Critical thinking is a broad concept that consists of several skills. It allows you to move beyond memorizing facts to higher-level, or “deep,” thinking. It demands a high level of concentration because it requires logic, clarity, and independent thinking." (Megan Stone, 2014) It helps me develop my study habits and more logically understand the course objectives. Being a critical thinker allows you to evolve your academic skills and solve complex problems. As a student, I have to think relatively to figure out how to have outstanding grades and the outcome of my hard work. Open-mindedness will let me grow and find more opportunities as I strive through this quarter.

There are skills that I should consider when being a critical thinker. "The skills of asking questions, analyzing, and evaluating." (Megan Stone, 2014) These are the ways to advance your progress and recognize your problem-solving and ability to learn. We must also prepare ourselves for failure and disappointments that may come our way. It will become a lesson and allow your self-confidence to grow.


The Howler. (2021). After Graduation. photograph. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from 

Stone, M. (n.d.). What are the skills of critical thinking? In Own Your Education: A Student's Guide to Greater Success in School (and Life). essay. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from education/9780133573466/ch10.html#ch10lev1sec3. 

Stone, M. (n.d.). Table 10.1 The Skills of Critical Thinking. In Own Your Education: A Student's Guide to Greater Success in School (and Life). essay. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from 

Monday, October 24, 2022

Develop Accountability Skills as a Student

Being accountable as a student means a lot of patience and hard work. However, to fulfill responsibilities, there are some skills to help yourself. Critical thinking is analyzing and better understanding ideas before committing to a situation. You have to think through the outcome of your actions. You must develop ways to improve your study habits because you are committed to completing your courses. Being consistent in your schoolwork and performance will enhance your student ability. Stone, M. (2014). Figure 9.1 Accountability and the education pyramid. Own your education!: A student's guide to greater success in school (and life). essay, Pearson.

In relation to Martin Wolske, He has provided methods and practices to develop his work. In addition, his experiences through community, culture, and technology lead him to achieve his goals. Finally, he discovered research paradigms from all the exploration and knowledge. It gives ways how we can understand more the changes in technology. He is consistent and accountable throughout his work. Wolske, M. (2020). 2A: The Methodological Landscape. In Person-centered guide to demystifying technology: Working together to observe/ question/ design/ prototype/ and implement/reject technology in support of people's valued beings and doings. essay, Windsor & Downs Press. 


Monday, October 17, 2022

How I Develop My Confidence as a Student

"Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude." (Michelle Obama, 2017). Our former first lady beautifully said that. Everything starts with confidence. The build-up of ownership lets you accomplish your work with pride. Being confident allows you to bring the best out of yourself with a positive mindset that you can do all things as long as you believe. I know it wasn't easy to be self-assured. It will take a lot of hardships and doubts. We will fail and fail and fail. But we will learn how to be tough and regain ourselves from our mistakes. Through experiences, we know how to be determined for success. Not only that, we accommodate how to grow, and that's how you gain confidence. 

Being a student means a lot of effort to be successful. I learned that I have to commit to what I do. I had doubts about myself before. I wonder if I can finish some of the tasks in time. My time management could be better. I'm tired of being stressed all the time because of unfinished tasks. Then, I realized I should develop my self-confidence first, and everything would follow. I can now manage my time a lot better. I am determined to finish my schoolwork. I made an improvement in my duties as a student. Everything workout if you believe in yourself. Having confidence has a massive impact on my life.

Monday, October 10, 2022

I only have the Power to Change Whatever Situation I am in

 I admit sometimes I'm idle in my schoolwork and do it at the last minute. I'm not proud of that. There are a lot of challenges going in, and I'm not ready to take it all. But, ultimately, It's my loss, and I blame everything on myself. In that instances, I'm the only one who can change the situation. I'm the only one who can decide for the betterment of my future. 

I realized that commitment, endurance, and motivation could enhance my study habits. First, I must always obtain a goal where I should succeed in my class. Being committed means putting extra effort into the class and consistently accomplishing my schoolwork. Endurance was intended to work hard in the most challenging times. And lastly, motivation is where I see myself in 5 years when I continue this productivity for excellence. I hope my future self will be proud of me. 

Confidence is also one of the vital factors of success. If I am self-assured that my grades will be higher, I know I made an effort to aim for that score. What will be the outcome if I work hard? I am ambitious because I have desirement to achieve my goals. It's within myself if I want to succeed. Therefore, I will do my best and not give up on my dreams.

Will Improving my Soft skills Help Me Get Into the IT field?

              Starting in IT Field was quite challenging as an Introvert person. There are soft skills that I have to improve and develop to...